I made a trip tp the BMV today. Overdue change of address on my license. It was relatively uneventful...wait in line, check in, wait some more until a young latina with the prettiest eyes I have seen in many moons calls my name...
I got my business taken care of in an hour or so and drove home. On the way home the idea of personal responibility came to my mind. I don't know why. Maybe it was due to a radio commentator ranting about some political issue. Often abstract concepts enter my head with no rhyme or reason and usually as quickly fade away.
A sad incident of recent weeks came to mind. After one of our recent snowstorms recently a young man was hit by a car while walking along a street. It was a hit-and-run. Some of his injuries were pretty serious and some permanent. I really can sympathize with him, to a degree as I have been injured while riding my bicycle and am lucky the injuries were not more serious. Six weeks later and I was OK. The driver needs to have the book thrown at him, maybe not for the hit but the run. Of course the run may be due to the reason for the hit (suspended license, drinking, etc...)
I do, however believe the injured man was in some part responsible for his injuries. How? Well first he was walking on the street because he couldn't walk on the snow. OK, maybe the road had been plowed so it would have been difficult so I'll give him benefit of doubt for that. The major part was that he said he was walking and looked back to see if a car was coming when he was hit. That tells us he was walking on the right-hand side of the road. There was no mention of what color he was wearing so I can make no assumption of how visible he was.
Unfortunately, stories of this nature are not uncommon. I have often been driving, even at night on busy roads like Georgetown road in Indianapolis and seen people wearing dark clothes walking on the right hand side of the road. Many times I have seen, typically males, riding bicycles on the left-hand side of the road at night with dark clothing and no reflectors or lights. Many would say they are naer-do-wells who don't want to be seen. Maybe, but maybe they are just trying to get somewhere.
In the rare occasions in which I ride a bike at night I am always well lit. I realize many people don't really know the rules of the road when it comes to non-motorized vehicles. State law requires reflectors. Lights are certainly a wise choice IN ADDITION TO, not instead of, reflectors. A bicyclist must always ride with traffic (the right hand side of the road). Pedestrians should walk against traffic (left hand side of the road).
I know it is hard to teach children the basic rules, most adults don't know them. We need a way to get the message out in some way. There is no political momentum for this message but maybe there should be. How expensive could it really be to publish this info and put it into the hands of the public? Maybe any store selling bicycles could be given flyers stating the basic rules and required to hand one out with each bike sold. There has been talk of passing helmet laws in the past (I always wear mine). This could help save lives as well and cost the consumer nothing. Publishing costs are cheap, depending on how elaborate the flyers. More importantly, the best way to survive a crash is to avoid it.
Would you like to know more about bicycle laws? Do you have children out riding bicycles, or who soon will be? Many local bike shops have free pamphlets you can pick up. Also CIBA has the Indiana laws on their website. Copy and paste the following page to read it"
Even if there is no law concerning helmets, wear them. Teach your children to wear them. I crashed my bike in 1998 when a dog got into my path and flipped me. I suffered a number of injuries including a severe concussion. That whole day was erased from my memory. I WAS wearing a helmet. So you say "you got hurt while you were wearing one? then why bother?" Well, had I not been wearing my helmet I may well have been killed or been rendered a vegetable. I can tell you from personal experience that it is a worthwhile investment. wal-mart can sell you one for a reasonable price that can save a lot of headaches...and heartache.
As for the young hit and run victim. I wish him the best. Certainly his life will never be the same. At least maybe the rest of us can learn from his misfortune.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
I have been enoying this winter somewhat. It hasn't been too bad here on the northwest side. It seems like every winter that a storm comes through, the worst of it passes either to the north or south of here. That is good for me though.
My truck is a 4X2. My tires were pretty worn and I had picked up a nasty shimmy from one of them (a bad belt in a front tire). When I replaced them I went with a pair of billy-bob (i.e. all-terrain) tires. My drive to work is much longer on the new job and I didn't want to miss any work if I could avoid it. I'd say it was a worthwhile investment.
I am ready for spring though. Every year I tell myself "I need to get out on the bike more this year." I did get out a little more last year but not enough. I suffered through the Hilly Hundred and the Great Pumpkin Metric's 100k. The distance wasn't bad but the hills were killing me. Maybe one of these years I will actually train for these rides. Maybe this year...
That does partly depend on the job. I signed onto a machine that doesn't work as much overtime as the others, we don't even run every day during the week. Recently I learned we got some big new contracts, product that will be run on my machine. That tells me I might be in for more OT this year.
I can't complain though. It is better that my machine is utilized more. An under-utilized piece of equipment is at risk of being discarded. So more work should mean more security. I really just need to use my personal time better.
This job is a big improvement over the last. Better management, better people and a greater product mix (more than one customer). It is unfortunate they have picked so many from the other place but I think those people will shape up or they will not be around too long. The managers here mean business.
I am ready for spring. I have a lot I want to do this year and am looking for the chance to kick it into gear. I'd like to conquer "the Three Sisters" and "Cemetery Hill" this year without the struggles of last year.
...for now I'll just enjoy the weather we've got.
My truck is a 4X2. My tires were pretty worn and I had picked up a nasty shimmy from one of them (a bad belt in a front tire). When I replaced them I went with a pair of billy-bob (i.e. all-terrain) tires. My drive to work is much longer on the new job and I didn't want to miss any work if I could avoid it. I'd say it was a worthwhile investment.
I am ready for spring though. Every year I tell myself "I need to get out on the bike more this year." I did get out a little more last year but not enough. I suffered through the Hilly Hundred and the Great Pumpkin Metric's 100k. The distance wasn't bad but the hills were killing me. Maybe one of these years I will actually train for these rides. Maybe this year...
That does partly depend on the job. I signed onto a machine that doesn't work as much overtime as the others, we don't even run every day during the week. Recently I learned we got some big new contracts, product that will be run on my machine. That tells me I might be in for more OT this year.
I can't complain though. It is better that my machine is utilized more. An under-utilized piece of equipment is at risk of being discarded. So more work should mean more security. I really just need to use my personal time better.
This job is a big improvement over the last. Better management, better people and a greater product mix (more than one customer). It is unfortunate they have picked so many from the other place but I think those people will shape up or they will not be around too long. The managers here mean business.
I am ready for spring. I have a lot I want to do this year and am looking for the chance to kick it into gear. I'd like to conquer "the Three Sisters" and "Cemetery Hill" this year without the struggles of last year.
...for now I'll just enjoy the weather we've got.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Sit down, let's talk about the good times that never were... (from Saturday February 13, 2010)
That's a line from a song written by my late, great friend Mark. No I am not talking about myself. He was extremely talented, intelligent and perhaps knew me better than anyone else I have known. We lost touch about a year before he died. Had Facebook been around then, maybe we would not have lost touch at all.
Facebook is an interesting thing. It allows old friends to reconnect after years of separation due to, well...whatever. On the other hand it seems rather silly at times.
I have never gone to a high school reunion. I doubt I ever will. I didn't have many friends in high school. I was probably as close to the epitome of an outcast as could be found there, or nearly so. I have maintained contact in some manner or another with most of the people I would care to see again. My general thought is that 'if we didn't like each other 10 or 20 years ago why would I want to see them now?'
Of course the usual response is "People change." Some do change. Certainly the last 15 years have been a chore for me. I am a much different person now than I was then and it was hard work. There have been setbacks but overall I have made great progress.
Many people don't change as much as they should but more importantly, what difference does it make? There is a reason why the graduation ceremony is referred to as commencement. It is a new beginning. It is the end of life as a student and adolescent and the start of life as an adult. Time to move on. Right now there are more than 6 billion other people in the world who haven't yet had the opportunity to treat me like dirt. It hardly seems fair to concern myself with those of my youth.
Facebook sort of bridges the gap between reunions and staying in touch in the first place. There are but a few people from school with whom I have reconnected on that site. Most are family or people from workplaces of old that I liked but didn't necessarily hang around outside of work. There are a few from other aspects of life on there as well.
There have been a few who have sent me friend requests and I wondered why. Perhaps they forget more than I or maybe they were too self-absorbed to see their own behavior. In some cases I believe they use Facebook to support their egos. After all a larger list of friends means more popular right? Maybe they don't care if they ever communicate with all of them as long as the list is extensive (quality vs. quantity).
I use the "F" word a little more sparingly than do most people, I think. There are a lot of people out there I like. Many people I respect. But that is not enough. Perhaps there are trust issues involved here. Certainly I have known friendly people of insidious intent but I think there is more to it. Pleasant acquaintances can be very transient.
Maybe I just use the word friend as many people use the phrase "true friend". Of course that can help to segregate the honest from the insidious (fake friends?) but why even call the bad ones friends? I realize I tend to be a bit more harsh and concise with the language than most here. But I believe in honest designations.
I am glad Facebook was created. It has been good to learn of the whereabouts and fortunes af a few people, at least one of which I had experienced some real concern. It is a wonderful tool, and best of all you can control it. It is sort of like a reunion but you can decide who attends.
Maybe I'll see you soon on Facebook...no R.S.V.P. required.
Facebook is an interesting thing. It allows old friends to reconnect after years of separation due to, well...whatever. On the other hand it seems rather silly at times.
I have never gone to a high school reunion. I doubt I ever will. I didn't have many friends in high school. I was probably as close to the epitome of an outcast as could be found there, or nearly so. I have maintained contact in some manner or another with most of the people I would care to see again. My general thought is that 'if we didn't like each other 10 or 20 years ago why would I want to see them now?'
Of course the usual response is "People change." Some do change. Certainly the last 15 years have been a chore for me. I am a much different person now than I was then and it was hard work. There have been setbacks but overall I have made great progress.
Many people don't change as much as they should but more importantly, what difference does it make? There is a reason why the graduation ceremony is referred to as commencement. It is a new beginning. It is the end of life as a student and adolescent and the start of life as an adult. Time to move on. Right now there are more than 6 billion other people in the world who haven't yet had the opportunity to treat me like dirt. It hardly seems fair to concern myself with those of my youth.
Facebook sort of bridges the gap between reunions and staying in touch in the first place. There are but a few people from school with whom I have reconnected on that site. Most are family or people from workplaces of old that I liked but didn't necessarily hang around outside of work. There are a few from other aspects of life on there as well.
There have been a few who have sent me friend requests and I wondered why. Perhaps they forget more than I or maybe they were too self-absorbed to see their own behavior. In some cases I believe they use Facebook to support their egos. After all a larger list of friends means more popular right? Maybe they don't care if they ever communicate with all of them as long as the list is extensive (quality vs. quantity).
I use the "F" word a little more sparingly than do most people, I think. There are a lot of people out there I like. Many people I respect. But that is not enough. Perhaps there are trust issues involved here. Certainly I have known friendly people of insidious intent but I think there is more to it. Pleasant acquaintances can be very transient.
Maybe I just use the word friend as many people use the phrase "true friend". Of course that can help to segregate the honest from the insidious (fake friends?) but why even call the bad ones friends? I realize I tend to be a bit more harsh and concise with the language than most here. But I believe in honest designations.
I am glad Facebook was created. It has been good to learn of the whereabouts and fortunes af a few people, at least one of which I had experienced some real concern. It is a wonderful tool, and best of all you can control it. It is sort of like a reunion but you can decide who attends.
Maybe I'll see you soon on Facebook...no R.S.V.P. required.
A better world? Get rid of the lawyers (from Saturday February 6, 2010)
I received a letter yesterday. I'd just as soon not go into details but it involves a minor accident of 2 years ago. It was a low-speed collision with no injuries. I had thought it was over and done once I handed it off to my insurance company. I had all but forgotten the whole incident until I received a letter from my claims agent saying it had not yet been resolved. Obviously "Dewey, Cheatham and Howe" got involved.
When the latest recession hit with heavy job losses and unemployment reaching levels not seeen in decades I sensed a forboding shift coming. We are in a very litigious society already. Much of our population feels they deserve a grand lifestyle. If they have to take it away from the person who earned it then so be it. Just think how much cheaper insurance would be without lawyers, and yes that includes health insurance.
I remember well an incident that happened on a Sunday in August 12 years ago. Well, the incident I don't really remember because on Monday I didn't remember it or anything else that happened that Sunday. Severe concussions are kind of funny that way. By the accounts given by others present I was riding my bike with a club, just a regular weekend club ride. Someone's dog got out and into my wheels. Flipping over at 25mph or so can be a real headache...literally.
The other riders scooped me up and took me to a clinic to be checked out. When I contacted the dog's owner he would not talk to me other than to give me his insurance adjuster's name and number. That's fine. The insurance guy asked me how I knew it was his client's dog that caused the crash I told him one of the other riders was a lawyer so I guess he knew what information to collect. That was a complete truth. They paid my bills and gave me a few extra bucks for my trouble, probably a thank you for not suing as well.
A few people said "I would have sued him!" or something to that effect. They probably would have. Maybe I was not raised that way, or perhaps I formed my odd ways in some other fashion. Whatever the case I felt, and still feel, that would have been wrong. Sure there was a degree of negligence on the part of the pet owner but there is a reason they are called accidents. If there were evidence of malicious intent there my choices would have been different. I saw none.
Yes I was in pain. Severe concussion, sprained shoulder, bruised ribs and numerous examples of road rash. Weeks of pain. And when you wake up one day, go about your business and the next thing you know you are waking up wrapped up in bandages at the home of a family member...That can be a little bit unsettling.
What did I ask for. I wanted them to pay. My medical bills, repairs to my bike and a new helmet (you can only use them once). I didn't wantto make out like a bandit on the deal. I wanted to put this behind me and move on with my life. It is pretty hard to live a life without pain. Pain is a part of life.
In reality, this guy wasn't hurt, at least not from the collision. He slipped on the ice walking around while waiting for the police to arrive. That is a far more likely scenario. My airbag didn't deploy, no body damage to my truck, just a headlight and a new tinfoil bumper.
Still, it comes down to the lawyers. They have a business to run and their service is litigation. That is the ugly side of capitalism. Their service is to try take what someone else earned and give it to you, and take a piece of it for theirselves of course.
...Sue you later
When the latest recession hit with heavy job losses and unemployment reaching levels not seeen in decades I sensed a forboding shift coming. We are in a very litigious society already. Much of our population feels they deserve a grand lifestyle. If they have to take it away from the person who earned it then so be it. Just think how much cheaper insurance would be without lawyers, and yes that includes health insurance.
I remember well an incident that happened on a Sunday in August 12 years ago. Well, the incident I don't really remember because on Monday I didn't remember it or anything else that happened that Sunday. Severe concussions are kind of funny that way. By the accounts given by others present I was riding my bike with a club, just a regular weekend club ride. Someone's dog got out and into my wheels. Flipping over at 25mph or so can be a real headache...literally.
The other riders scooped me up and took me to a clinic to be checked out. When I contacted the dog's owner he would not talk to me other than to give me his insurance adjuster's name and number. That's fine. The insurance guy asked me how I knew it was his client's dog that caused the crash I told him one of the other riders was a lawyer so I guess he knew what information to collect. That was a complete truth. They paid my bills and gave me a few extra bucks for my trouble, probably a thank you for not suing as well.
A few people said "I would have sued him!" or something to that effect. They probably would have. Maybe I was not raised that way, or perhaps I formed my odd ways in some other fashion. Whatever the case I felt, and still feel, that would have been wrong. Sure there was a degree of negligence on the part of the pet owner but there is a reason they are called accidents. If there were evidence of malicious intent there my choices would have been different. I saw none.
Yes I was in pain. Severe concussion, sprained shoulder, bruised ribs and numerous examples of road rash. Weeks of pain. And when you wake up one day, go about your business and the next thing you know you are waking up wrapped up in bandages at the home of a family member...That can be a little bit unsettling.
What did I ask for. I wanted them to pay. My medical bills, repairs to my bike and a new helmet (you can only use them once). I didn't wantto make out like a bandit on the deal. I wanted to put this behind me and move on with my life. It is pretty hard to live a life without pain. Pain is a part of life.
In reality, this guy wasn't hurt, at least not from the collision. He slipped on the ice walking around while waiting for the police to arrive. That is a far more likely scenario. My airbag didn't deploy, no body damage to my truck, just a headlight and a new tinfoil bumper.
Still, it comes down to the lawyers. They have a business to run and their service is litigation. That is the ugly side of capitalism. Their service is to try take what someone else earned and give it to you, and take a piece of it for theirselves of course.
...Sue you later
Lost Broccoli (from Thursday February 4 2010)
I wish I had backed up all of my old emails before my old computer crashed, actually both times my old computers crashed. I was unprepared, and forced into an upgrade twice in the past when the computer I was using died, taking all of my data with it. Little of value was really lost, I suppose, but there were a few items I would enjoy going over once again.
You see, tonight at work I was reminded of how a strange and inane concept could lead to an in-depth discussion. It may turn rather silly though. In the course of a normal conversation with a coworkerthe memory of an old email exchange with my brother came to me. Unfortunately I can remember none of the content other than that it became a rather philosophical dialogue about broccoli. Sounds inane, I am sure but I remember it as a rather well thought-out discussion. But many who know me, especially those with whom I have worked, would not be surprised, I have long had an odd way of looking at things.
I am sure some of you are thinking, "well yeah, that sounds like Sos" and others may not recognize this quality at all. All of you are probably thinking "Who the hell is Sos?" Perhaps I will get into that at a later date. But right off the top, no I am not suffering from some sort of split personality disorder or schizophrenia. I simply use it as an alias for the purpose of this blog. The significance is, well, it is what it is...
I know few people who really enjoy interchanges such as the broccoli topic. In fact most people would get bored with it, or just walk away, after the topic is first introduced. In fact, the only two I can think of are my brother and a certain Regal Dude I have known since high school. I believe one would have to be a fan of Monty Python to really get into this type of thing (think swallow carrying a coconut).
...and if there are a great number of typos appearing on here, or any other communications from me, please bear with me. I am a poor typist on a regular keyboard and I am using a notebook, making it much worse. So, for now...
You see, tonight at work I was reminded of how a strange and inane concept could lead to an in-depth discussion. It may turn rather silly though. In the course of a normal conversation with a coworkerthe memory of an old email exchange with my brother came to me. Unfortunately I can remember none of the content other than that it became a rather philosophical dialogue about broccoli. Sounds inane, I am sure but I remember it as a rather well thought-out discussion. But many who know me, especially those with whom I have worked, would not be surprised, I have long had an odd way of looking at things.
I am sure some of you are thinking, "well yeah, that sounds like Sos" and others may not recognize this quality at all. All of you are probably thinking "Who the hell is Sos?" Perhaps I will get into that at a later date. But right off the top, no I am not suffering from some sort of split personality disorder or schizophrenia. I simply use it as an alias for the purpose of this blog. The significance is, well, it is what it is...
I know few people who really enjoy interchanges such as the broccoli topic. In fact most people would get bored with it, or just walk away, after the topic is first introduced. In fact, the only two I can think of are my brother and a certain Regal Dude I have known since high school. I believe one would have to be a fan of Monty Python to really get into this type of thing (think swallow carrying a coconut).
...and if there are a great number of typos appearing on here, or any other communications from me, please bear with me. I am a poor typist on a regular keyboard and I am using a notebook, making it much worse. So, for now...
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