I just watched a little bit on Tosh.0 in which there was a car wreck. After the mother arrived and asked about her son the police officer reached over and peeled one of the little stick figures off the rear window of her car. I had a good laugh over that one.
Who do the self-important bozos of the world feel it necessary to tell everyone else about their special lives. One might have thought that sort of pathetic bragging died with the baby on board signs of the eighties. I did see one of those a few weeks ago as well.
These stick figures are even worse in that they must describe the makeup of the whole family, down to pet scruffy. I don't care if you forgot your pill 3 times and have a dog, a cat and crab lice. Nor do I care that one of your mistakes is an honor student at Mediocre Middle School.
Sure, though I was always a fan of Calvin & Hobbes, I thought the little window stickers of Calvin whizzing on a Ford or Chevy logo were idiotic as well. But at least those stickers tell me something useful. It is the same message told by the big plastic testicles I have seen hanging on the backs of some trucks. They say "The driver of this vehicle is an ignorant rube or a classless redneck!" Surely some practical information.
If they must tell me something about themselves, maybe these people with the stick family should instead put some useful info on the backs of their cars instead. An "inattentive driver" sign would be appreciated. Why should I care how many kids you have in your car if you don't care enough to stay off the phone long enough to get them home safely?
Tell me you are addicted to Vicodin or Oxycodone. Warn me about your multiple DUIs and lack of insurance. I might appreciate it if you told me you are bipolar and quit taking your meds.
Even better, instead of all of these stickers, which can only be seen from the safest position....behind you...., let's get you one of those big, lighted boxes like those sitting on the roof of the Papa John's delivery boy's car. It will read "SELF-IMPORTANT ASSHOLE!"
Sunday, November 6, 2011
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