I seem to have picked up the bad habit of talking to myself. The strange part is that, while doing so, I believe I am talking to other people around me. It happens mostly at work. In some cases, I am busy doing something and someone well meaning decides to help. In reality they are holding me up and getting in the way, ignoring my requests to let me work.
Also infuriating are the ones who don't listen in a conversation because they are too concerned with what their reply will be. For instance, one guy at work commented the other day that I asked a lot of questions. The truth is that I asked him the same simple question 4 times before I got an answer to that question.
Looking back, I guess it has always been this way. Either I have some real credibility problems or people just tend to ignore me. Sure, there are times when I am just talking out of my ass, so to speak. But I am right about something now and again.
Numerous times I have made suggestions or given solicited advice to friends on various topics. Invariably, they don't listen until someone else tells them the same thing. Apparently it all just sounds better coming from someone else. Perhaps I should just tell them, from now on, to just go ask someone else. That should save them some time and save me from wasting time and energy on talking to myself.
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