Friday, October 1, 2010

Time off...

Vacation. The word brings to mind images of tall, cool drinks on a sandy beach. Maybe you prefer a trip to the Rockies or a week in a tent at the local campground.

For me it is usually a week sitting on the couch doing nothing of interest. Rarely do I have any really ambitious plans. This time around I do have some plans. I plan to finally replace the front brakes on my truck. I guess 105,000 is a pretty good number for mileage on a set of brakes. I also have a couple of hundred miles I want to put on the bikes. There are a few other odd things I would like to get done but, well...we'll see.



  1. Warm beach???? Cool drinks??? I happen to have first hand knowledge that you would rather ride 100 kilometers on your bike in 50 degree weather with a 15mph gusting headwind!

  2. Actually, you are probably correct. Maybe a little warmer would be nice.
